To get an insurance, whether it’s a life, health or general insurance is always time consuming activity and in most cases sales agent’s assistance is required
More importantly the whole transaction from selection of insurance product, signing on plenty of underwriting documents, going through a medical assessment (in case of life and health insurance), taking time out for surveyor’s availability for inspection and ultimately payment of premium to the insurance company, then comes the issuance of premium payment receipt and policy certificate alongĀ with policy terms and conditions by the insurance company, up till insured receives his/her policy documents. Ooh! this is undoubtedly a lot of work and probably takes a days or weeks, as its depends on several variables and deliverables
Keeping in mind the unnecessary waste of time and empower the potential customer to enroll with convenience, anytime and anywhere, we are introducing “WinSure” a mobile application platform that will enable customers to get themselves insured by just few clicks of their smart phones (Android + iOS)